The Booty Report

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Arr, aye be tellin' ye, the scurvy dog Ron DeSantis be payin' a hefty price fer his vaccine flip-floppin'!


Avast ye! The Florida governor, once a staunch supporter of the vaccine, had a change o' heart afore the Delta wave came crashin' down, sendin' Covid hospitalizations and deaths sky-high. 'Tis a dark tale he be keepin' hidden, as he spins his yarn 'bout his pandemic response.

In the jargon of a 17th-century pirate, let's delve into the curious tale of the Florida governor and his changing views on vaccines. Arrr, once upon a time, this buccaneer was a fierce advocate for the shots, but alas, his enthusiasm waned like the tides before the mighty Delta wave came crashing down, sending Covid hospitalizations and deaths soaring to treacherous heights. Aye, it be a grim chapter in his saga, me hearties.

Yet, as the governor spins his yarns of his pandemic response, he conveniently omits this dark and stormy part of the tale. Ahoy, me mateys, it seems he be painting a rosy picture, leaving out the part where he lost his faith in the vaccine. Perhaps he fears the wrath of the crew, who may question his judgements and leadership in these troubled times.

But fear not, me scallywags, for we shall bring light to this swashbuckler's tale! As the Delta variant wreaked havoc across the land, the governor's once-bold stance on vaccinations began to waver. His pirate heart, once filled with the desire to protect his crew and the people of Florida, now seemed more concerned with navigating the choppy political waters.

Some whisper that the governor's change of heart was driven by political pressure, while others argue it was due to a fear of rocking the boat with his loyal supporters. Whatever the reason, it be clear that the governor donned an invisible eyepatch, blinding himself to the reality that the vaccine be a powerful tool to fend off the menace of the virus.

So, me hearties, as we listen to the governor's tales of triumph and bravery, let us not forget the murky waters he sailed before. The chapter he chooses to omit may be a telltale sign of a pirate captain who lost his way, leaving his crew and the people of Florida vulnerable to the perils of the Delta wave.

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