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Avast ye hearties! A brave Israeli scallywag be refusin' to abandon his cliffside abode, built o'er 50 years gone, despite eviction rumblings.


Arr, me hearties! Nissim Kahlon be claimin' that them scurvy authorities and officials be likin' his humble abode, for they did connect him to the power grid, aye, years after issuin' a demolition order that never came to pass! Methinks it be a right good puzzler, indeed!

An Israeli man, Nissim Kahlon, has spent the last 50 years carving out a cave home on a Mediterranean beach. However, he now faces eviction as Israeli authorities have deemed his home dangerous for the coastline and illegal for habitation. Despite the eviction notice, Kahlon refuses to leave, stating that he loves the sea and has nowhere else to go. He claims that he doesn't have the money to buy a home and is willing to be buried on the beach. The Environmental Protection Ministry has called his house a significant environmental and security hazard, as professional reviews have shown that the building is dangerous and the cliff is falling apart. The Herzliya Municipality, which is subordinate to the ministry, has even offered alternative housing solutions, but Kahlon has rejected them.

Kahlon admits that he received a demolition order in 1974 but no one carried it out, and he never heard anything further from the authorities until last year. He is currently appealing the eviction notice with the support of friends and family who have started a crowdfunding campaign to cover his legal expenses. Kahlon's home is isolated, with no telephone or internet connection, and people can only reach him by visiting personally or through a social worker who knows him. He has built his home without permits, but he argues that officials tacitly approved it when they connected his home to the electric grid decades ago. However, the Environmental Protection Ministry is concerned about the deteriorating condition of the cliffs and the potential risk they pose.

The Herzliya municipality and the Environmental Protection Ministry have been arguing over who is responsible for the area, with the ministry ultimately issuing the eviction notice. The municipality claims to have found alternative housing for Kahlon, but he is not interested in taking it. For now, the eviction notice is on hold until Kahlon finishes his appeal.

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