The Booty Report

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Arr! Matey Netanyahu be goin' under the knife for a fancy pacemaker, arr, after a wee health scare!


Arrr! Avast, ye mateys! 'Tis been told that the Israeli swashbuckler, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, be gettin' a new contraption called a pacemaker. Thar be a wee problem with dehydration, so they be fixin' him up proper-like. May fair winds guide his recovery!

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will undergo surgery to have a pacemaker implanted, as he continues to face health problems, according to reports from Israel. The surgery was announced in a Twitter video, with Netanyahu speaking in Hebrew before a vote in the Knesset. Netanyahu stated that attempts to reach a broad agreement continue, indicating ongoing negotiations. Pacemakers are devices that send electric pulses to regulate the heart's rhythm and beat rate. Netanyahu explained in the video that a monitoring device he had been wearing signaled the need for a pacemaker to be implanted. Last week, the prime minister was hospitalized for severe dehydration and had a heart monitor placed in his chest. Netanyahu attributed his illness to being at the Sea of Galilee without water or sun protection during a heat wave. The prime minister's office noted that he continues to undergo routine tests as recommended by his doctors. Netanyahu has faced criticism from Israelis over his proposed judicial overhaul, with over 1,100 air force pilots and aircrew threatening to suspend their reserve duty if the overhaul is implemented. They expressed concerns about the legislation's impact on the security of Israel and their ability to continue serving.

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