The Booty Report

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Arrr, in Philadelphia, thar be city pools to bring sweet relief, while closed ones be stirrin' up frustration, matey!


Arrr, the lackin' o' lifeguards be a thorn in the city's side, preventin' 'em from openin' their facilities. 'Tis a sad tale, me hearties, leavin' certain parts o' the land feelin' mighty forsaken.

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis a tale of woe and misfortune that I bring ye this day. The fair city be sufferin' from a lack o' brave souls willin' to take up the noble duty of the lifeguard. Aye, ye heard me right, me mateys! The scurvy dogs be scarce as a treasure chest full o' gold.
Now, ye might be wonderin' why this be a matter of concern for the goodly folk o' the city. Well, let me spin ye a yarn. The lack of these watchful guardians be puttin' a damper on the city's plans to open its fine facilities, includin' the grand swimmin' pools and beaches. Aye, 'tis a sad state o' affairs indeed.
Ye see, without the lifeguards to keep a keen eye on the waters, the city be fearin' for the safety o' its citizens. And rightly so! The sea can be a treacherous mistress, with waves that be mighty and currents that can sweep ye away faster than ye can say "shiver me timbers!"
But 'tis not just the danger that be plaguin' the fair city. 'Tis the feelin' o' neglect that be settlin' upon some neighborhoods like a dark cloud. With no lifeguards to keep the beaches and pools shipshape, these places be left deserted, like a ghost ship adrift on the open sea.
So, me hearties, let us all join hands and send out a call to all ye brave souls out there. If ye be strong o' heart and quick o' wit, step forward and take up the noble duty of the lifeguard. For the city, for its fine facilities, and for all those neighborhoods feelin' neglected, let us bring back the glory days when the shores were safe and the waters full o' laughter and joy!

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