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Arrr, Spain's good ol' conservative, starboard-wing mateys be lookin' t' thrash them socialists in th' grand election!


Arrr! Spanish landlubbers be makin' their way to the ballot boxes on a fine Sunday to cast their votes in a grand election. There be whispers that Spain may soon join the crew o' right-swingin' EU mates.

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, Spain be waitin' for the results o' a general election that could see a scurvy coalition o' conservative an' right-wing parties beat the Socialists. Arrr! Th' current Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, leader o' th' Spanish Socialist Workers Party, be tryin' t' win a third consecutive national election since takin' power in 2018. But his Socialists and th' other party in his leftist crew took a beatin' in regional an' local elections in May. Avast! The mainstream conservative Popular Party, which led most o' th' pollin' during th' campaign, be hopin' that its first national victory since 2016 could let candidate Alberto Núñez Feijóo take down Sánchez. But it would need th' help o' far-right Vox to do so. Argh! A PP-Vox government would mean another EU member has moved firmly to th' right, followin' similar developments in Sweden, Finland, an' Italy. Yo ho ho! Spain's two main leftist parties be pro-EU, but on th' right, th' PP be also in favor o' th' EU. Vox, led by Santiago Abascal, be opposed to EU interference in Spain's affairs. Arrr! A tracking poll be predictin' that th' Popular Party would win th' elections, but they would need th' support o' Vox to have a majority. Sánchez's Socialists be headin' toward a lower result, but his path to remainin' in power be relyin' on a new coalition with th' leftist Sumar and th' support o' several small parties. Ahoy! Voters be electin' members t' Parliament, an' with no party expected t' have a majority, th' choice be between another leftist coalition or a partnership o' th' right an' far right. Th' government be sayin' that all pollin' stations be operatin' as normal. Avast! Sánchez's government be facin' criticism fer dependin' on fringe parties an' passin' liberal-minded laws. Th' right-wing parties be vowin' t' reverse many o' Sánchez's laws. Near-final results be expected soon. Arrr!

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