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Arr, me hearties! Here be 5 tidbits ye must reckon 'bout battlin' Biden's wicked censorin' regime.


Avast, me hearties! Biden's campaign be more radical than the scurvy dogs at Big Tech, takin' aim at free speech. Here be five crucial tidings ye must heed 'bout his treacherous plan. Beware, for danger be upon us!

In a recent decision in the Missouri vs Biden case, federal district court judge Terry Doughty accused President Joe Biden and his administration of engaging in a "far-reaching and widespread censorship campaign" to silence political opposition. Doughty's ruling, which blocked the Biden administration from acting as an "Orwellian ‘Ministry of Truth,’" provided numerous examples of how the government colluded with social media platforms to suppress disfavored speakers.

Judge Terry Doughty, who was confirmed by the U.S. Senate in 2018, is known for his pro bono work and his role as a deacon in his church. Despite his qualifications and the significance of the case, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) did not file a brief in support of free speech rights, raising questions about their political priorities.

The Biden administration's censorship efforts go beyond its collaboration with Big Tech. The Department of Homeland Security and other federal agencies have also been involved in funding censorship initiatives, targeting mainstream conservatives as Nazis and terrorists.

The battle against Biden's censorship industrial complex is heating up, and it is crucial for Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell and others to defend the First Amendment. However, McConnell has remained silent on the issue.

Doughty's decision is seen as a crucial case for the First Amendment in this century. The fight will likely continue in courtrooms and legislative chambers, with the Supreme Court having the final say. Ultimately, the American public will have the opportunity to voice their opinions at the ballot box in the upcoming elections.

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