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Arr, me hearties! Israel PM Netanyahu be free from the ship of the sick, while landlubbers protest against his plan to change the courts. A stormy vote awaits!


Arr, mateys! Israeli Cap'n Benjamin Netanyahu be set free from the infirmary on Monday, only to be greeted by rival scallywags raisin' hell 'round the bend. The scuffle be on, as they be preparin' for a crucial vote on the swashbucklin' government's judicial makeover plan.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, 73, has been released from the hospital after undergoing an emergency heart procedure. This comes as tens of thousands of demonstrators held rival rallies ahead of a key vote on the government's judicial overhaul plan. The plan aims to make sweeping changes to the powers of the judiciary, including limiting the Supreme Court's ability to challenge parliamentary decisions and changing the way judges are selected. Netanyahu and his allies argue that these changes are necessary to keep unelected judges in check, while opponents believe it will damage the country's system of checks and balances and lead to authoritarianism.

Protests against the judicial overhaul plan have been ongoing for seven months, with opposition coming from various sectors, including business leaders, medical professionals, and military reservists. US President Joe Biden has called on Netanyahu to freeze the plan, while Israel's ceremonial president Isaac Herzog has been working to find a compromise between the prime minister and his opponents.

Supporters of the plan argue that it will restore democracy to Israel by preventing judges from striking down government decisions as "unreasonable." Critics, however, believe that removing the current "reasonability" standard will give the government excessive power and allow for arbitrary decisions.

The vote on the overhaul measure is scheduled for Monday, and mass rallies have been held both in support and opposition of the plan. Netanyahu's supporters marched in central Tel Aviv, while his opponents gathered in the parliament.

Despite the protests and criticism, Netanyahu has stated that his government will move forward with the overhaul plan.

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