The Booty Report

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Arr matey! Israel be surrounded by a swarm o' terror groups, like an Iranian hornet's nest! Cryin' for new US sanctions, they be!


Arrr! Aye, a fresh scrawl be urgin' the Biden crew to list these scurvy dogs, backed by Iran, as hornswagglin' terrorists. The parchment tells tales of Tehran's gold flowin' into the pockets of these fierce corsairs, the militant Palestinian brethren!

In a humorous tone and language reminiscent of a 17th century pirate, this news article summarizes a report that reveals the United States' refusal to designate certain Iranian-backed entities as terrorist organizations. It mentions President Biden's recent pledge to Israel President Isaac Herzog about America's unwavering commitment to Israel's security. The article highlights Israel's deployment of 2,000 troops to combat Palestinian terrorists backed by Iran. The report emphasizes Iran's strategy to turn the Samaria region into another Gaza, and accuses Iran of funding and smuggling weapons to various Palestinian factions. It also mentions Iran's repeated calls for the obliteration of Israel and its classification as the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism. The report by the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD) identifies 19 Iranian regime-supported entities targeting Israel that have not been outlawed. While Hamas, Hezbollah, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and the IRGC are recognized as terrorist entities, other groups are not listed as such. The article includes a response from the State Department, which acknowledges Iran's support for terrorist violence in the Middle East. The FDD report aims to shed light on these groups and advocate for their sanctioning. It also mentions FDD's Long War Journal, which has monitored the growth of Iran-backed terrorist organizations in Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, and Syria. The report concludes by ranking the most dangerous groups, such as Hezbollah and Hamas, and emphasizing the need to address the coordination and efficiency of these groups in launching attacks. The article also notes that some Iranian-backed organizations are listed on the Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons list but are not designated as terrorist organizations. Experts warn that if these 19 organizations unite, it could pose a significant threat to Israel. The news article ends by mentioning recent counterterrorism efforts by the Palestinian Authority and the lack of response from Iran's government.

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