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Yarr, me hearties! Word be sailin' that Hunter Biden's mate be spillin' the beans to Congress, claimin' old Joe himself be joinin' many a business meetin' o' his scallywag son via telephone. Blimey!


Arr, word be heard that a witness, set to testify afore the House Oversight Committee, doth claim that Hunter Biden, the scallywag, did oft reach out to his sire whilst struck in the midst of business transactions. Methinks 'tis a tale worth listenin' to, me hearties!

Former business associate Devon Archer is expected to testify to Congress that President Joe Biden had meetings with dozens of Hunter Biden's business associates while he served as vice president. This testimony could contradict President Biden's claims of having no knowledge or influence over his son's foreign business dealings. Archer, who has been subpoenaed by the House Oversight Committee, is expected to reveal that Hunter introduced his father to foreign business partners or potential investors during these meetings. The committee is investigating whether the Bidens used the vice presidency to benefit their business interests and engage in corruption. They believe that President Biden communicated with Hunter's business associates in some form. Archer's testimony will shed light on specific instances of the elder Biden's involvement in his son's business deals, including a meeting in Dubai where Hunter called his father and introduced him to Burisma executives. The committee chair, Rep. James Comer, accuses Joe Biden of lying to the American people about his knowledge of his son's business dealings and alleges that the Bidens engaged in corrupt influence peddling. Archer's testimony will also touch on dinners organized by Hunter for his father to meet his foreign business partners. The expected testimony comes as further evidence suggesting the involvement of the elder Biden in his son's business affairs continues to emerge.

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