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In Biden's America, me hearties, scurvy dogs o' Blacken skin be havin' a wee chance fer triumph, arrr!


Avast! Methinks the tidings be grim, mateys. In this land of President Joe Biden, the state of Black lads in America be dire! 'Tis the truth, me hearties, the status quo be too much to bear. Let me tell ye why, arrr!

The Commission on the Social Status of Black Men and Boys is hosting a summit in Washington, D.C. to provide an update on the progress of Black males in America. However, the outlook is not positive. In President Joe Biden's America, Black men and boys are being left behind due to the failure of their politicians. Democrats, including Biden, portray Black males as victims and ignore the root causes of their struggles. The statistics are grim, with Black males being 13 times more likely to be murdered than White men in the same demographic. Democrat-run cities like Chicago have become war zones with high crime rates. The problem lies in fatherlessness rather than systemic racism, as more White Americans are in prison than Black Americans. Nearly 70% of Black children start their lives in households with unmarried mothers. The lack of family values in modern culture exacerbates the issue. Without role models, many Black children grow up to become violent criminals. In cities like Los Angeles and Washington, D.C., crime rates are soaring due to ineffective leadership. Democratic district attorneys, funded by George Soros, worsen the problem by emptying jail cells and refusing to seek appropriate sentences for violent offenders. It is crucial to address the issue of fatherlessness and crime rather than blaming white supremacy. The current status report on race in America is a failure, and Joe Biden receives a failing grade. A change of leadership in 2024 is necessary for improvement.

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