The Booty Report

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Ye olde video doth capture the infernal moment when a mighty gas explosion wreaketh havoc in busy streets, takin' a soul.


Arrr! Avast ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis a tragedy, I tell ye! One soul be sent to Davy Jones' locker and 48 be wounded, as a blasted gas explosion be rockin' the fair city of Johannesburg amidst the cursed rush hour traffic.

Ahoy mateys! Avast ye! A mighty explosion has rocked the shores of South Africa, me hearties! This here blast, which occurred in the grand city of Johannesburg, has left one poor soul dead and dozens injured. Arrr!
The authorities be scramblin' to find out what caused this infernal explosion. They found the body of a man crushed under a vehicle and are investigatin' the scene. Aye, at least 48 scallywags have been injured, arrr!
Mateys, the cause of this explosion be still a mystery. The company that supplies gas to that part of the city denies responsibility, so there be somethin' else causin' this chaos. They be sendin' in specialists to find what other pipes or cables be lurkin' beneath the ground, lest another explosion be on the horizon.
Arrr, we be still searchin' for the source, says Panyaza Lesufi, the premier of Gauteng province. The damage be extensive, me hearties! Five city blocks be affected, six roads be in ruins, and 34 vehicles be damaged. Some of 'em be flipped or stacked on top of each other, like a scene out of a cursed apocalyptic movie, arrr!
Now listen up, me mateys! This explosion happened just as the sun be settin', and the streets be full of folks tryin' to catch a ride home on them minibus taxis. Most of the damaged vehicles be them very taxis. Witnesses say people be thrown into the air like powder monkeys when the explosion hit!
Arrr, one brave soul who was in his car spoke up, sayin' he heard a thunderous boom, and before he knew it, his car be flippin' in the air like a sea turtle caught in a hurricane. Luckily, he be unhurt, but shaken to the core.
Now, listen close, me hearties! This blast be not the first to hit Johannesburg. Just a few weeks ago, another explosion took the lives of 17 souls, includin' three wee ones. They say that one be caused by an illegal gold operation and a toxic gas leak, arrr!
Fear not, me mateys! The authorities be on the hunt for the truth. Let us hope they find it soon and put an end to these explosive adventures!

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