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Arrr! The scurvy dogs in Israel's parliament be passin' Captain Netanyahu's bill, while landlubbers protest in masses!


Arr matey! 'Tis the tale of Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli Prime Minister, who be sailin' the treacherous waters o' judicial reform. Aye, his government be makin' deals 'n compromisin' like landlubbers, which angered the scallywags 'n sparked grand protests. But alas, the bill be passin' without a single "nay" in a 64-0 vote, leavin' the land asea in wonderment.

Israel's parliament, the Knesset, passed a judicial reforms bill known as the Reasonableness Standard Bill, which is part of a larger judicial reform package supported by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The bill aims to limit the Supreme Court's power to reject government or executive decisions based on the current reasonableness standard. The bill was passed with a 64-0 vote, with members of the opposition leaving the hall once the vote began. Critics of the legislation argue that it could lead to corruption and authoritarianism, as it prevents the highest court from blocking the appointment of corrupt officials and allows the ruling coalition to expunge individuals who disagree with their policies. However, supporters of the bill believe it will rein in the judiciary, claiming that the reasonableness standard is too vague and allows the courts to reject decisions based on political grounds. The passage of the bill has sparked mass protests and opposition from various groups, including military reservists who have refused to serve under the government. Opposition leader Yair Lapid criticized Netanyahu, stating that the bill undermines Israeli democracy and accuses the prime minister of being under the influence of "messianic extremists." The United States has also expressed concerns about the bill, urging Israeli leaders to focus on finding consensus and pursuing changes with broad support.

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