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Arrr! Thar be a New York-bound ship, a Delta flight she be, but avast! She be forced to dock in Rome due to a mighty hailstorm's damage!


Avast ye scallywags! A mighty Delta Air Lines vessel, weary from battle with the stormy skies, be forced to dock in Rome, right after setting sail from Milan. As the tale be told by the airline's crew and the local scuttlebutt, a fierce hailstorm be the culprit!

A Delta Air Lines passenger jet bound for New York was forced to divert to Rome's main airport due to hailstorm damage. The aircraft sustained damage to its nose and fuselage near the wings. The flight had taken off from Milan's Malpensa airport. Delta stated that the diversion was necessary due to severe weather after take-off. The exact extent of the damage was not specified in Delta's statement. The plane landed safely and passengers disembarked normally. The airline's local maintenance team is currently reviewing the damage caused by the bad weather. Delta did not disclose the number of passengers and crew on board, nor whether they would be rebooked on another flight or spend the night in Rome. Milan, located in the Lombardy region, has recently experienced severe storms with hail the size of tennis balls and strong winds. In Lombardy, a falling tree tragically killed a 58-year-old woman who was walking to work. Firefighter divers also rescued a man trapped in his flooded garage in Milan.

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