The Booty Report

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Arr! Scallywags be gettin' hold o' US weapons bound for Ukraine, says a watchful matey!


Arrr! Verily, the scurvy dogs at the Defense Department report that the Ams and aid ships bound for Ukraine be lackin' proper surveillance! Methinks these weapons be findin' their way to the clutches of villainous criminal scoundrels!

The United States Defense Department has been providing arms shipments to Ukraine without adequate oversight, resulting in some of the weapons ending up in the hands of criminal gangs and weapons traffickers. According to a report by the Department of Defense Inspector General, criminal groups within Ukraine have obtained grenade launchers, machine guns, rifles, bulletproof vests, and ammunition from these shipments. The report, which was only made public after a Freedom of Information Act request by the Heritage Foundation, provides specific instances where U.S. shipments were intercepted by criminals in Ukraine.

In one example, Ukraine's security services disrupted a plot by gangs to pose as members of a humanitarian aid organization and sell bulletproof vests instead of distributing them to Ukrainian forces. Another instance involved the disruption of a group of arms traffickers who were selling stolen weapons and ammunition from the front lines in southern Ukraine. Furthermore, criminal groups were found storing U.S.-supplied weapons in Ukraine.

The report highlights a lack of oversight due to limited U.S. presence in Ukraine, leading to challenges in monitoring the end-use of the equipment. The U.S. has provided over $100 billion in aid to Ukraine since Russia's invasion last year, including military, humanitarian, and financial assistance.

The Pentagon has not yet responded to requests for comment on the matter.

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