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The scurvy dogs in the House be plannin' to join hands and give them Chinese opioid makers a good wallop! Arrr!


Arrr, mateys! Word be reachin' me ears that the crafty Republican Rep. Andy Barr be sailin' his bipartisan bill to give them Chinese opioid makers a taste o' justice. It be said that this treasure of a bill will be heard on the House floor this week. Yo ho ho!

Avast ye mateys! The House of Representatives be settin' its sights on some new legislation, and it be a doozy! They be aimin' to crack down on those scurvy Chinese manufacturers of synthetic opioids. Republican Rep. Andy Barr be the one who penned this bill, aptly named the "Stop Chinese Fentanyl Act of 2023." This here bill be lookin' to impose sanctions on them Chinese opioid producers and their "opioid precursors." Now, I reckon ye might be wonderin' what them precursors be. Well, they be chemicals used for legal opioid medications, but those sneaky scoundrels be divertin' 'em for illicit fentanyl and heroin production.

Now, this be no laugher, as the fentanyl crisis be climbin' higher and higher. According to Barr, the Chinese Communist Party be playin' a big ol' role in this whole mess. They be producin' them precursor chemicals, sharin' their know-how with them cartel folks, and even launderin' the profits from this illegal trade. Barr be expectin' broad support for this bill on the House floor, as the Biden administration be abandonin' control of the southern border and Barr be mighty proud to defend our national security.

This bill be updatin' the definition of a "foreign opioid trafficker" to include specific Chinese entities and government officials who ain't takin' steps to stop this here opioid traffickin'. The U.S. has been callin' on both Mexico and China to join forces against this crisis, as fentanyl be often made by them Mexican cartels with them Chinese-made precursors. This stuff be deadly, mateys. Just a wee bit can send ye to Davy Jones' locker. Thousands of fentanyl-related deaths be reported each year.

Barr's bill aims to hold them Chinese officials accountable for spreadin' this illicit fentanyl. Other members of Congress be callin' for a similar crackdown on China's role in this black market opioid production. Seems like folks be gettin' serious about this issue. Last week, Sen. Majority Leader Chuck Schumer floated the idea of sanctionin' China over their fentanyl production. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas even said the Chinese Communist government be havin' a responsibility to clean up this mess in the U.S. And the Department of Justice be bringin' charges against three Chinese chemical manufacturing companies suspected of distributin' fentanyl.

This here bill be co-sponsored by Democrats Chris Pappas, Pat Ryan, and Morgan McGarvey, as well as Republicans Blaine Luetkemeyer, Gregory Murphy, Mike Lawler, Beth Van Duyne, Anthony D'Esposito, and Zach Nunn. Looks like they be findin' some common ground on this issue. It be high time we put an end to this fentanyl invasion, me hearties!

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