The Booty Report

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Arr, Harry and Meghan, once beloved by the silver screen, be now cursed with the plague of box office doom.


Arr, I spy Prince Harry and Meghan Markle caught in a tempestuous whirlwind, takin' a batterin' from calamity after calamity. Methinks their luck hath abandoned 'em, but oh, what a sight it be! Aye, it befiteth 'em well, the scurvy dogs!

Once viewed as darlings of the media and Hollywood, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are now facing a downward spiral of setbacks and criticism. Rumors are circulating that their marriage is in trouble, and even political figures like President Joe Biden and celebrities like Taylor Swift are distancing themselves from the couple. They have been dropped from guest lists and denied opportunities, such as flying back with the Bidens on Air Force One. Their streaming projects have also been disappointing, with executives noting a lack of talent and work ethic. Their Spotify deal was recently canceled, raising concerns about the future of their media empire. It seems that the only thing that made them interesting, their connection to the royal family, has been severed due to their behavior and disrespect. Netflix executives have expressed disappointment with their lack of productivity, and it appears they are struggling to find a niche beyond their royal past. The couple's relationship with Harry's family has worsened, further distancing them from the crown and reducing their appeal in show business. Once treated with dignity and respect, they are now the targets of jokes and parodies. Their downfall can be attributed to their narcissism, greed, victimhood, and entitlement. Overall, what could have been a fairytale existence has been derailed by their own actions and attitudes.

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