The Booty Report

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Arr! A lass be takin' a mighty leap to the sea, as her matey's marriage offer went awry from yonder cliff!


Aye, me hearties! Nizamettin Gursu, the swashbucklin' beau of Yesim Demir, be claimin' he chose a spot with a grand view o' the cliffs to witness the sunset. But as he fetched his grub from his carriage, a dreadful shriek pierced the air! Arr, what be the cause, I ponder?

A Turkish couple's engagement celebration took a tragic turn when the bride-to-be fell to her death from a seaside cliff. The incident occurred at Polente Cape in northwestern Turkey, where the couple had chosen to enjoy the sunset. According to the would-be groom, Nizamettin Gursu, they had gone to the cliff in search of a romantic memory. They had some alcohol and were enjoying the moment when the bride-to-be, Yesim Demir, lost her balance and tumbled over the 100-foot cliff.

Gursu had briefly left Demir to retrieve a picnic from their car when he heard her scream. He rushed back to find her at the bottom of the cliff. Despite surviving the fall initially, Demir was declared dead by medics after 45 minutes of resuscitation efforts. Local authorities promptly closed off the area and launched an investigation into the incident.

Demir's friends claimed that the road leading to the clifftop was in poor condition and lacked safety precautions at the edge. They emphasized the need for a fence and other safety measures to prevent similar accidents from happening in the future.

The tragic event prompted authorities to temporarily close the area but reopened it later, urging visitors to exercise caution near the cliff edge. They hoped that by raising awareness, they could help avoid any more accidents.

While this devastating incident serves as a reminder of the dangers of cliffs and the importance of safety measures, it also highlights the unpredictability of life. What was meant to be a joyful occasion for the couple turned into a tragic loss.

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