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Aye matey! A landlubber Ruskie peace-lover be denied right to stay in Serbia, they reckon he be a threat to security!


Avast ye, me hearties! Word be spreadin' that them Serbian scallywags be refusin' to grant ol' Vladimir Volokhonski, a fine matey from the Russian Democratic Society, a longer stay in their land. Arrr, troubles be brewin' on the high seas of diplomacy, mateys!

In the language of a 17th century pirate, me hearties, listen up! A Russian antiwar group be cryin' foul in Serbia, claimin' that the authorities be refusin' to extend the residence permit of one o' its activists, a scurvy dog who be criticizin' Russian President Vladimir Putin. Arr!
The group, known as the Russian Democratic Society, be sayin' that their matey, Vladimir Volokhonski, be havin' all the necessary paperwork, but the authorities be claimin' that he be a security risk. The Serbian police, however, be keepin' their lips sealed on the matter. A copy of a police document from the Russian group reveals that a security assessment o' Volokhonski's case be showin' some "obstacles" to extendin' his stay. Shiver me timbers!
Just a fortnight ago, another Russian antiwar activist, Peter Nikitin, be gettin' the same treatment from the Serbian police. The poor lad had to wait at the Belgrade airport for more than a day afore he be allowed in. Arr, me heart goes out to him!
Now, ye must know that Serbia be havin' friendly relations with Russia and be not takin' part in the Western sanctions against Moscow, despite condemnin' their invasion o' Ukraine. The United States, on the other hand, be layin' sanctions on Serbia's pro-Russia intelligence chief, Aleksandar Vulin, accusin' him of crimes and corruption. Rumor has it that Vulin be even wiretappin' a Russian opposition meetin' in Belgrade, but he be denyin' it with all his might!
Volokhonski, a fine opposition politician from St. Petersburg, be fleein' to Serbia after Russia's invasion o' Ukraine, claimin' that his return would mean a one-way ticket to the brig. In fact, it be believed that about 200,000 Russian citizens have taken refuge in Serbia since the war began, as the fellow-Slavic nation be kindly not requirin' visas for Russians. Aye, Serbia be a safe haven for these landlubbers!

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