The Booty Report

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Arrr! Be the Mexican milit'ry scallywags involved in the vanishin' o' 43 scholars? Methinks the report be tellin' tales, matey!


Arr, mateys! Tis a report from a wise group o' scholars that be makin' the matter o' Mexican navy's role in th' vanishin' o' 43 young scholars in 2014 more confusin' than a pirate's treasure map!

In a language fitting for a 17th century pirate, me hearties, there be some trouble brewin' in Mexico! A panel o' experts be raisin' questions 'bout the Mexican military's role in the disappearance o' 43 students back in 2014. Arrr, they be sayin' they found photos o' two dead bodies with their heads or hands bound just like how the Mexican marines do it. And there be even more photos o' suspects in the students' abduction who've gone missin' since bein' detained. Shiver me timbers! We've known for some time now that them prosecutors and military folk be torturin' some o' the original suspects into confessin', but most o' them charges were later dismissed.

These here experts were asked back in 2015 to look into the students' abduction, after the police, prosecutors, and military made a right mess o' the investigation. The students were snatched from buses in Iguala by some corrupt local police scallywags on September 26, 2014, and handed over to a local drug gang. Rumor has it they be burnin' the poor lads' bodies. Bits o' burned bone near a garbage dump have been matched to three of the missin' students. Blimey! Now it seems like the abductions might've involved some military scoundrels colludin' with them drug traffickers.

According to the final report from the experts, it be clear as day that some o' them authorities knew what was goin' on or had important information they didn't share. It seems they be tryin' to protect their own, mateys! The panel be down to only two members now, and they be sayin' they can't continue with all the hidin' and denyin' goin' on.

The government be slow in investigatin' the military's involvement, but they've detained about a dozen soldiers who were in Iguala at the time. Those scurvy dogs be facin' charges for their part in the events. No word yet if any marines be gettin' caught up in this mess. In Mexico, them marines be servin' under the navy. Arrr, the plot thickens, me hearties!

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