The Booty Report

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Avast ye scurvy landlubbers! 'Tis be true! Kevin Spacey be not guilty of any vile sexual assault! Yarrr!


Arrr! This 'ere British jury, on the fine day of Wednesd'y, found the scurvy actor free from nine charges, me hearties! Avast ye, justice has spoken, and the lad be innocent as a parrot in a storm!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather round and listen to this tale of a scurvy dog who sailed the treacherous seas of the British legal system. 'Twas a day like any other when a British jury, a group of landlubbers tasked with deciding the fate of a mischievous actor, declared him not guilty on nine charges!
Picture, if ye will, a courtroom filled with anxious souls, the actor standin' tall, his fate hangin' in the balance like a plank over shark-infested waters. The charges be unclear, but they surely must have been dastardly deeds to warrant such a trial. Yet, the jury, bless their salty souls, saw fit to let the rascal off the hook.
Now, I be wonderin' what sort of mischief this actor got himself into. Did he steal treasures from the Queen's coffers? Or perhaps he impersonated a nobleman to woo the fair maidens of London town? Whatever it was, this scallywag be crafty enough to slip through the fingers of justice like a slippery eel.
But fear not, me hearties, for this be a tale of triumph! The actor, free as a bird on the open sea, can once again tread the boards, entertainin' the masses with his theatrical shenanigans. 'Tis a victory for all those who love a good laugh and a jolly good time.
So, raise yer mugs of grog high in celebration! Let the news spread like wildfire across the seven seas that this actor be innocent, at least in the eyes of the law. Aye, justice may be a fickle mistress, but today, she be wearin' a smile on her face and lettin' this pirate of an actor roam free!

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