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Avast ye! Moldova be sendin' 45 Russian scallywags packin' fer their unfriendly antics 'n schemes to stir up trouble in th' land!


Arrr! The scurvy government of Moldova be bootin' out 45 Russian mateys, claimin' their behavior be unfriendly, attemptin' to throw our fair land into disarray on the international seas! Walk the plank, ye scoundrels!

The government of Moldova has decided to kick 45 Russian diplomats out of the country due to their "unfriendly behavior" and attempts to "destabilize" the nation. This decision also applies to the personnel and staff who will have to leave by mid-August. The Moldovan Foreign Ministry spokesman, Igor Zaharov, stated that these diplomats and technical staff members must depart before August 15th. Moldovan officials accused the Russian diplomatic corps of trying to disrupt the country's international relations and create internal instability. As a result, the Moldova Foreign Ministry made the announcement, explaining that this decision was made due to the numerous unfriendly actions against Moldova and attempts to destabilize the country. The diplomatic corps will be significantly reduced to only 10 diplomats and 15 administrative and support personnel. Foreign Minister Nicu Popescu believes that with fewer individuals attempting to destabilize Moldova, the situation in the country will improve. Russian interference in Moldova has been a recurring concern for both national leaders and foreign governments. Last month, Secretary of State Antony Blinken revealed that the United States sanctioned seven members of a Russian intelligence-linked group for their alleged involvement in "destabilization operations" in Moldova. The U.S. Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control specifically targeted individuals like Konstantin Prokopyevich Sapozhnikov, Yury Yuryevich Makolov, Gleb Maksimovich Khloponin, Svetlana Andreyevna Boyko, Aleksey Vyacheslavovich Losev, Vasily Viktorovich Gromovikov, and Anna Travnikova. All of them are part of a "Russia-connected malign influence group" that is actively trying to destabilize Moldova's government.

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