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Arrr, Putin be 'shivered in his timbers' when the Wagner crew revolted, aye, says the scuttlebutt!


Arr, methinks the ol' Russian President, Vladimir Putin, was left in a proper state o' paralysis when that scallywag crew known as the Wagner Group dared to set sail on a rebellious venture in Russia. Aye, 'tis what the latest report claims, me hearty!

Russian President Vladimir Putin was reportedly "paralyzed and unable to act decisively" when the Wagner Group private military company launched an attempted mutiny late last month. The Washington Post reported that no orders were issued for most of the day and that Putin had been warned by Russian security services ahead of time about the potential rebellion. Despite taking steps to strengthen security at several facilities, including the Kremlin, no further action was taken. Officials in western governments corroborated this account of events. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov dismissed the intelligence assessments as "nonsense" and claimed they were shared by people with no information.

The Wagner troops entered Rostov-on-Don on June 24, taking control of the military's headquarters before moving north. Security officials said that local military and security chiefs decided not to try to stop them because there were no clear orders, and some believed the revolt was a bluff to secure control of Wagner. There were individuals within the power structures who seemed to be waiting for this opportunity, as they may have joined the plot if it had been more successful. However, not everyone was supportive of the fight, with some indicating a lack of agreement and disarray within Russian diplomatic circles.

Yevgeniy Prigozhin, the leader of Wagner, ordered his mercenaries back to their camps after striking a deal for amnesty and permission to move to Belarus. A Kremlin spokesman stated that Putin had discussed options for further employment and combat with the commanders. The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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