The Booty Report

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Arrr, mateys! Biden be tellin' the U.S. to hand over proof o' Russian misdeeds to th' Hague Court!


Arr, mateys! Aye, the landlubbers in charge have finally had a change of heart, mark me words! They be droppin' their guard and lettin' the court have its way with our brave sailors and soldiers, makin' 'em walk the plank of justice!

In a move that be sending shockwaves through the seven seas, the United States has finally decided to join the International Criminal Court (ICC)! Arrr, matey, this be a major change in American policy, and it be puttin' an end to months of resistance from them Pentagon officials who be scared as a landlubber caught in a storm.
Them Pentagon officials, bless their scurvy hearts, be fearin' that if they join this here court, it be settin' a dangerous precedent. Aye, they be dreading the thought that this ICC could be prosecuting them brave U.S. troops. But, it be time for them officials to stop tuckin' their tails between their legs and face the consequences of their actions.
Now, listen up, ye salty dogs! The ICC be a court that be dealin' with war crimes, crimes against humanity, and other dastardly acts that be committed by scoundrels from all walks of life. It be holdin' them accountable for their actions, no matter their rank or allegiance. But, until now, the United States be stayin' away from this court like a pirate avoidin' the gallows.
But, alas, the winds be changin'! The United States be finally makin' the right decision to join this ICC. It be a step towards justice and equality, where even the mightiest of nations be held to account for their misdeeds. It be showin' the world that the United States be not afraid to face the consequences of its actions, like a pirate facin' Davy Jones' locker.
So, let this be a lesson to all ye scurvy politicians and Pentagon officials! It be time to walk the plank of accountability and face the consequences of your actions. The United States be joinin' the ranks of those who be seekin' justice for all, makin' the world a fairer place for all ye landlubbers and sailors alike.
Ahoy, me hearties! It be a glorious day for justice, and a glimmer of hope in these turbulent times. Let the cannons of justice fire, and may the waves of accountability sweep across the high seas!

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