The Booty Report

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Arr, settlin' in Australia be the greatest stroke o' good fortune, says John Howard, matey!


Arr, the scallywag John Howard be feelin' the sting o' the lash, mateys! He dared to speak afore the vote on Aboriginal representation, and the sea o' anger washed upon 'im like a tidal wave!

Arrr, me mateys! Ye wouldn't believe the whirlwind that followed John Howard's ramblings, spoken in the likes of a 17th century pirate, just afore a vote on Aboriginal representation in the government. Me hearties, ye should have seen the scurvy dogs go mad!

It be like a cannonball to the hull, the way the backlash came crashing down on ol' John Howard. The landlubbers were fuming, and rightly so! They couldn't believe their ears when they heard him speakin' in such a jolly manner, throwin' around pirate lingo in the midst of such a serious matter.

But avast! The pirate talk did bring a chuckle to a few, for the absurdity of it all was hard to ignore. Some salty sea dogs found the humor in it, as if ol' John Howard was tryin' to entertain us with his whimsical language. "Arr, mateys! Let's gather 'round and have a good laugh!" they said.

Yet, the majority weren't amused, and they let ol' John Howard know it with a vengeance. They accused him of disrespectin' the Aboriginal people and their fight for representation. They claimed he was trivializin' the issue, makin' a mockery out of somethin' so important.

The media had a field day with this one, spreadin' the news faster than a swarm of pirates after a treasure. The airwaves were abuzz with debates and discussions, with everyone havin' their say. Some called it an embarrassment, while others saw it as a refreshing break from the usual politickin'.

But in the end, it be clear that John Howard's pirate talk didn't do him any favors. It only served to undermine his credibility and fuel the fire of those already fightin' for Aboriginal representation. So, me hearties, let this be a lesson to all ye scallywags out there: when speakin' on serious matters, leave the pirate talk for the high seas!

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