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Arrr! The scallywag Hunter Biden be forced by a judge to seek employ and abandon his vile vices, or else face the brig!


Arr, to be escapin' the clutches of the brig, Hunter Biden must swear off all jollies o' grog and powders, comply with unexpected tests o' his substance use, and be without a weapon. Ye best be keepin' those vices at bay, matey!

A federal judge in Delaware has ordered Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden, to meet certain conditions in order to stay out of jail during an ongoing trial. The conditions include actively seeking employment, abstaining from drugs or alcohol, submitting to random drug testing, and not possessing a firearm. Hunter Biden was charged last month with two misdemeanor crimes of failure to pay taxes on over $1.5 million in income in 2017 and 2018. He had been expected to plead guilty and receive two years of probation, but the plea deal collapsed during a court hearing due to concerns raised by Judge Maryellen Noreika. The judge expressed confusion about the terms of the agreement and her role in the proceedings, particularly regarding a separate gun charge. Hunter Biden pleaded not guilty to the tax charges and remains under active investigation. The collapsed plea deal has surprised many, as it had been carefully negotiated over several weeks. Republicans are criticizing the deal, claiming that it is a sweetheart deal for the president's son. The judge's refusal to rubberstamp the plea deal has been praised by some. Hunter Biden's legal team has not yet commented on the matter.

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