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Arrr, me hearties! Hunter Biden be walkin' the plank o' the plea deal. Here be our next moves to keep the pressure on!


Arrr, me hearties! Aye, it be a grievous tale! The plea deal crafted by a band o' legal scoundrels for Hunter Biden be sinkin' like a cursed ship on a stormy sea. The landlubbers be raisin' a mighty ruckus o'er the scallywag's supposed misdeeds 'n corruption. Methinks the lad's luck be finally runnin' out!

In a humorous tone, the author commends Delaware District Judge Maryellen Noreika for refusing to participate in the "sweetheart deal" between Hunter Biden and the Justice Department. The case against Hunter Biden, the first son of a sitting U.S. president to plead guilty to federal crimes, has raised concerns about the fairness and transparency of the justice system. Hunter Biden was willing to plead guilty to two misdemeanor tax charges in exchange for avoiding prosecution on a gun charge and drug use, a legal maneuver that most Americans would never experience. However, the plea deal fell apart due to disagreements between the legal teams on its scope and future implications.
The author, a former federal prosecutor, believes that the Department of Justice (DOJ) should be focusing on more serious crimes with solid evidence and severe consequences. They suggest possible corruption, racketeering, Mann Act, and FARA violations. Recent testimonies from FBI and IRS whistleblowers, as well as revelations of additional criminal behavior, have increased pressure on the DOJ to pursue further charges against Hunter Biden. The author argues that the government should be held accountable and suggests that the recent backlash against the DOJ indicates a lack of significant checks and balances within the system.
The author criticizes both former Attorney General Bill Barr and current Attorney General Merrick Garland, claiming that they prioritized protecting the Biden family over addressing corruption concerns. They highlight the disparity between how the Bidens are being treated and how the average American family would be treated in similar circumstances. The author calls for a thorough investigation of all alleged criminal activities involving Hunter Biden, his family members, and associates, and advocates for a criminal justice system that upholds transparency, accountability, and impartial justice for all Americans.

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