The Booty Report

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Arrr! Booty aplenty for the Supreme Court, as they sail away with treasure troves from million-dollar tome bargains!


Avast ye! The booty be mighty rich for the scurvy justices, who be usin' their loyal crew to craft tomes and make a pretty penny. Arr, they be makin' a tidy profit from this here venture, me hearties!

Arrr! Booty aplenty for the Supreme Court, as they sail away with treasure troves from million-dollar tome bargains!

Arrr, me mateys! Gather 'round and let me spin ye a tale about the scandalous dealings of the justices in our fair courts! It seems that these scurvy dogs have found a way to fill their coffers with riches beyond measure! Aye, the deals they make be highly lucrative, even for those who rely on their court staff to help 'em write and promote their books!

Imagine, me hearties, a justice of the court, sittin' upon his mighty bench, dispensin' justice left and right. But little did we know, these sneaky dogs be makin' deals on the side! They be usin' their positions to gain favor and line their pockets, all while wearin' them fancy powdered wigs and robes!

And what be the nature of these deals, ye ask? Why, they be publishin' books, me landlubbers! Using the very court staff that be paid by our hard-earned doubloons, they be gettin' help to research and promote their literary endeavors. It be a cunning plan, I tell ye!

But let me tell ye, me hearties, this be no ordinary publishin' business. These justices be makin' a pretty penny from these ventures! Their books be flyin' off the shelves like cannonballs from a broadside! And all the while, they be pocketin' the gold, laughin' like drunken sailors on shore leave!

Now, I don't know about ye, me mateys, but I be thinkin' it be high time we put an end to these shenanigans! The court be a place of justice and fairness, not a den of thieves gatherin' ill-gotten wealth! Let's rally together, hoist the Jolly Roger, and demand accountability from these scurvy justices! Arrr!

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