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Arrr, me hearties! Joe Biden's newfangled talk 'bout Hunter's trade dealings be showin' his true colors 'bout ye voters, says I!


Arr, me mateys! Cap'n Joe Biden be spinnin' a yarn 'bout his scurvy son Hunter's business shenanigans, allowin' the president to step back from his complete denial. The claim o' the press secretary be a grand shift in the White House strategy, arrr!

With the collapse of his plea bargain, Hunter Biden is facing the prospect of a real prosecution. The plea bargain, which was widely criticized as a sweetheart deal, allowed Biden to avoid jail time and only face minor misdemeanors. However, the plea bargain fell apart when the judge questioned its meaning and both the prosecutors and defense counsel struggled to explain. This means that if the Justice Department follows its usual practice, Biden could now face serious jail time.

But it's not just Hunter Biden who could suffer the consequences. President Joe Biden, who has consistently denied any knowledge of his son's foreign dealings, could also be implicated. The White House has recently changed its position, now claiming that the president was "never in business" with his son. This contradicts previous statements and evidence that suggest otherwise.

The evidence against Hunter Biden continues to mount. There are pictures and appointments on his laptop linking him to his father's foreign business associates. There is also a recording of Joe Biden discussing his son's dealings and assuring him that everything is under control. The White House has maintained a total denial until now, but this latest testimony from a key Biden associate could further incriminate the president.

The president's repeated denials and conflicting accounts could have serious implications. They could become a basis for impeachment inquiries, similar to what happened with Richard Nixon. Biden was relying on the media to protect him, but now that the evidence is mounting and his denials are being contradicted, he could not only lose his political standing but also his office. The public's intelligence is being insulted by the president's changing statements and lack of accountability.

In conclusion, Hunter Biden's collapse of the plea bargain and the mounting evidence against him could have significant repercussions for both him and President Joe Biden. The president's repeated denials and changing accounts could lead to impeachment inquiries and potential loss of office. The public deserves honesty and transparency from their leaders, and it remains to be seen how these developments will unfold.

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