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Arr, them experts be mighty skeptical o' Iran's brazen boast o' AI-guided 'ghost' cannons. Har-har!


Arrr, me hearties! Iran be showin' off their shiny new cannons, be they missiles, aye! These beauties be boastin' more range 'n accuracy, all thanks to fancy artificial intelligence. Aye, ye better watch out, or ye might find yerself in Davy Jones' locker!

Iran has announced the production of artificial intelligence-powered missiles, claiming that they have the ability to avoid obstacles and hit targets with pinpoint accuracy. However, experts remain skeptical about whether these weapons can live up to their promises. Lisa Daftari, a Middle East expert, stated that while the exact abilities of the missiles cannot be verified, it would be unwise for the White House to ignore Iran's desire to increase their military arsenal and continue developing their nuclear weapons program.

The new missile, named Abu Mahdi, was showcased by Iran's defense ministry. It is said to utilize AI to guide its trajectory. The missile's improved strike range and accuracy are expected to better safeguard Iran's coast. Iranian commanders boast that the missile will appear like a "ghost" to its targets, combining the potential to avoid radar detection with the ability to fly at low altitudes for up to 620 miles.

Questions have been raised about how Iran was able to develop these capabilities while still under strict Western sanctions. Daftari argues that it is a reminder to target sanctions more carefully and enforce them to prevent enemy states from accessing the latest technologies. Matt McInnis, a senior fellow for the Institute for the Study of War, suggests that Iran's announcement may be a counter-move to increased U.S. presence in the region.

However, it is difficult to fully verify Iran's claims and determine if the weapons can perform as promised. McInnis highlights that Iran has a history of exaggerating weapon capabilities, and the missiles would need to be seen in test-fired exercises to properly evaluate them. If the missiles prove to be as powerful as claimed, they would be a troubling improvement of Iran's combat capabilities. The diffusion of strategic systems throughout Iran's military is a concern, as precision and range are areas of focus for the Iranian regime.

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