The Booty Report

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Arrr! The Highest Court be lettin' the Windin' Mountain Valley Pipeline sail forth, as the appeal be continuin' its journey!


Arr, ye scurvy dogs! A fine ol' trickery be afoot! Senator Joe Manchin, that swashbucklin' scallywag, be championin' a congressional measure, cleverly added to the debt limit bill, to fend off them pesky legal challenges to the pipeline. Aye, it be a witty move indeed!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen well, for I be tellin' ye a tale of political shenanigans, woven in the language of a 17th-century pirate. Avast ye!
So, the tale begins with a congressional measure, aye, a sly plan concocted by none other than Senator Joe Manchin. This scallywag had a scheme to clear the way for a mighty pipeline, ye see. But the path was fraught with legal challenges, like a treacherous sea full of dangerous reefs.
Aye, Captain Manchin knew he needed to find a way to navigate these treacherous waters. And so, he came up with a cunning plan. He would add his measure to a bill that aimed to raise the debt limit, aye, a clever disguise indeed. Like a pirate hiding his true intentions beneath a fancy hat.
Now, ye might be wonderin' what this measure did. Well, me hearties, it was designed to thwart those pesky legal challenges that stood in the way of the pipeline. It be like hoisting the Jolly Roger and scaring off any scallywag who dared to oppose it.
Imagine the scene in the Congress, with Senator Manchin, a sly grin upon his face, rallying his fellow pirates to his cause. "Avast, me mates! We shall pass this measure and lay claim to the pipeline, once and for all!"
But alas, me hearties, the story doesn't end there. Many be wondering if this measure be in line with the rules of the Congress, or if it be a sneaky maneuver that should be condemned. Some be arguing that it be an abuse of power, like a mutiny on the high seas.
So, there ye have it, me hearties! A tale of political maneuverings, wrapped in the language of a 17th-century pirate. Will Senator Manchin's measure succeed in its mission, or will it be scuppered like a sinking ship? Only time will tell, me hearties. Only time will tell.

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