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A landlubber bravely wards off a scurvy knave tryin' to skewer him, whilst gobsmacked onlookers cry fer aid: aye, eye 'em video!


Arrr, me hearties! Birmingham, England, be a place where scurvy-ridden scoundrels run rampant! Aye, one group of scallywags claim it be the fourth most treacherous city in all the land, with a crime rate that'd make Blackbeard blush!

A British man bravely fought off an attacker who stabbed him in the middle of a busy city street. The incident occurred at the junction of Kings Road and Slade Road, and emergency services were called to the scene. The man was treated for serious injuries before being taken to the hospital.
Footage captured the intense struggle between the two men, with onlookers urging someone to call the police. Eventually, one of the men managed to disarm his assailant and the fight ended as the attacker simply got up and walked away.
West Midlands Police confirmed that the victim suffered serious but non-life-threatening injuries. They are now conducting inquiries into the incident and urging anyone with information to come forward.
Residents in the area where the stabbing occurred described it as notorious for crime, particularly drug pushers and gangs. The high occupancy of some homes and the presence of a bail hostel contribute to the ongoing issues in the neighborhood.
Birmingham, part of the West Midlands, has one of the highest crime rates in the UK, with 91 reported crimes per 1,000 residents. The incident serves as a reminder of the challenges faced by the community and the need for increased safety measures.
Overall, this incident highlights the bravery and resilience of the British man who defended himself against an attacker. It also sheds light on the ongoing crime issues in the area and the importance of community safety.

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