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Arrr, Biden be cautious afore, but now be welcomin' Italy's Meloni to th' grand White House!


Arr, matey! President Biden, he be mighty worried 'bout Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni's far-right crew takin' over last autumn. But lo and behold, she be a sturdy matey, aidin' in our American-led venture to lend a hand to Ukraine. Aye, sometimes ye can't judge a pirate by their flag!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, mateys, let me regale ye with the tale of President Biden and Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni! Arr, Biden be afeared when Meloni's far-right party won the election last year, thinkin' it would bring trouble upon 'em. But blow me down, she turned out to be a sturdy ally in the American-led effort to lend a hand to Ukraine!
Now me hearties, ye might be wonderin' why Biden be so scared of Meloni. Well, ye see, her far-right party be known for their strong beliefs, and Biden be fearin' they would rock the boat and make his journey on the high seas of politics even rougher. But to his surprise, this lass showed her true colors and threw her support behind the American-led crew tryin' to help Ukraine.
Avast, ye landlubbers! It be a sight to behold when enemies turn into allies. Biden must've felt like he hit the jackpot when Meloni started fightin' alongside 'em. Together, they be sendin' aid and showin' solidarity to Ukraine, tryin' to keep 'em afloat in these treacherous waters.
Ye know, me hearties, sometimes ye be judgin' a book by its cover, and it turns out to be a real pearl. Biden, with his fearsome crew, be thinkin' Meloni's party would bring storms and thunder. But instead, she be helpin' 'em navigate these choppy political waters with ease.
So, me mateys, let this be a lesson to ye. Sometimes ye gotta give folks a chance, even if ye be scarin' the barnacles off yer ship. Ye never know when ye might find an unexpected ally in yer fight against the sea monsters of the world. Biden learned that lesson well, and now he be grateful for the support of Prime Minister Meloni!

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