The Booty Report

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Arr, the Biden crew be keepin' the gold from schools with huntin' and archery! Blimey!


Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Hear ye, hear ye! The blasted Biden crew be withholdin' gold doubloons from schools that dare to teach wee ones the ways of huntin' or archery. Aye, they claim 'tis all for safety, but methinks they be missin' the mark!

The Biden administration is blocking federal funding for schools with hunting and archery programs, causing concern among educators and organizations involved in these activities. The Department of Education interpreted the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA) to exclude hunting and archery classes from receiving federal funding. Tommy Floyd, the president of the National Archery in the Schools Program, expressed his disappointment, stating that shooting sports help young people develop skills and responsible behavior. The amendment in the BSCA that prohibits funding for dangerous weapons or training in their use is being misinterpreted, according to Senators John Cornyn and Thom Tillis. They argue that the provision was meant to withhold education funds for programs training school resource officers, not for hunting and archery classes. Many schools have already canceled plans to include archery or hunting education courses due to the Education Department's guidance. The Education Department's interpretation has sparked backlash from organizations such as the National Shooting Sports Foundation and Safari Club International, who see it as an attack on the Second Amendment. They argue that the department is misconstruing the law and denying students access to valuable programs. This controversy adds to the ongoing concerns about the Biden administration's actions targeting hunting and the Second Amendment. The Education Department has not provided any comment on the matter.

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