The Booty Report

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Biden be lettin' in scallywags, while us poor taxpayin' buccaneers be left swabbin' the decks o' debt!


Arrr, our immigration law wisely declares that any scallywag donning the visage of a "public charge" be denied a visa. But alas, this rule be as valuable as a wooden leg in a swimming contest in this day and age, mateys!

For centuries, immigrants came to America to seek their fortunes through hard work, relying on existing ethnic or faith communities for support. The idea that newcomers would immediately depend on the government for help goes against American values. The immigration law was designed to prevent those who would be a burden on public funds from entering the country. However, in 2022, the Department of Homeland Security redefined what it means to be a "public charge," making it easier for immigrants to receive government benefits without being ineligible for a visa. The public charge rule has become filled with exceptions, making it practically useless. Many categories of immigrants are exempt from the rule, including asylees, refugees, Cuban and Haitian immigrants, and certain religious minorities. Even those who must submit an affidavit of support are exempt from the public charge rule. Additionally, all inadmissible aliens allowed into the country since January 2021 are exempt. The Biden administration's parole-based programs bring in illegal immigrants without considering their potential reliance on taxpayer support. These parolees can apply for asylum without paying any fees and can depend on government assistance without consequence. The open borders policy of the Biden administration burdens taxpayers further. The question remains: how much more can the already burdened taxpayer handle?

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