The Booty Report

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Avast ye scallywags! 'Tis time fer American cap'n to lead the fight 'gainst China in 'tween war fer Taiwan, aye! 'Fore it be too late, arrr!


Avast! The U.S. be helpin' Ukraine and Taiwan, but their coffers be runnin' dry! Aye, their mates should be protectin' themselves, for a pirate's booty can only stretch so far!

Earlier this month, Chinese President Xi Jinping directed his military to deepen war and combat planning, indicating Beijing's intention to regain control over Taiwan. However, President Biden recently admitted that the United States is running dangerously low on ammunition after arming Ukraine to defend itself against Russia. This shortage was highlighted in recent war games conducted by the Pentagon, where U.S. forces quickly ran out of munitions while simulating a battle over Taiwan. This raises concerns about Taiwan's commitment to its own defense.

Taipei seems more interested in relying on the United States for military aid rather than investing in its own defense. Republicans in Congress have called for increased military aid to Taiwan, while the country itself only allocates 2.4% of its budget to national defense. In comparison, the United States spends 3.5% of its budget on defense. Furthermore, congressional hearings have revealed that Taiwan's military lacks personnel, training, and proper equipment to effectively defend against a Chinese invasion.

Adding to the issue, some Taiwanese youth are reluctant to serve in their country's military. Many view military service as a waste of time and complain about the lack of practical training. This apathy towards the military is a cause for concern.

In light of these challenges, it is crucial for the United States to reevaluate its approach to foreign military aid. Rather than shouldering the burden alone, the U.S. should demand that its allies take more responsibility for their own security. Taiwan should be compelled to contribute more to its own defense before relying on American troops to protect them.

President Biden must show leadership and address these issues before it's too late. It is unfair to send American servicemen and women to die for Taiwan if the country itself is not willing to make the necessary sacrifices. It's time for a paradigm shift in Washington's approach to foreign military aid.

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