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Yarr! A scurvy leopard be causin' chaos 'pon an Indian TV set, sendin' the whole lot runnin' for their lives!


Avast ye scallywags! Beholdeth a moving picture from the shores of India, where a fearsome leopard saunters upon a stage of a grand soap opera, set in the wondrous land of Mumbai. 'Twas such a sight, that the lily-livered actors and crew scurried away like landlubbers fleein' a storm!

A hilarious video has surfaced showing a leopard barging onto the set of a TV show being filmed in India, causing chaos as the cast and crew scrambled to escape. The incident occurred during the shooting of the soap opera "Sukh Mhanje Nakki Kay Asta" in Mumbai. The footage captures the leopard casually strolling along ceiling beams, while the frightened crew members shout warnings to each other. According to witnesses, someone shouted, "It is behind you, behind the door!" It's no surprise that the clip quickly went viral, garnering hundreds of thousands of views.

The head of the All Indian Cine Workers Association, Suresh Shyamlal Gupta, expressed concern over the incident, emphasizing that more than 200 people were present on set and someone could have been seriously injured or even killed. Gupta criticized the government for not taking swift action against such incidents and failing to implement strong measures. Fortunately, no one was hurt during this particular encounter. The set where the leopard appeared is located near a large forest, which may explain the frequent visits from wildlife. To address the issue, camera traps have been set up to track down the leopard and prevent further incidents.

This is not the first time a leopard has caused havoc in India. In a separate incident, a man was caught on video sleeping in a garage when a leopard sneaked in and snatched his pet dog. The leopard bit the dog on the neck and swiftly escaped, leaving the owner in shock. Additionally, in 2019, a leopard entered a residential area in northern India, attacking four people before being locked inside a house. Forest officials attempted to tranquilize the animal, but it managed to escape and caused panic among the villagers. The leopard injured a forest ranger and scratched two others who were trying to catch it, as well as a resident who was throwing rocks at it. These incidents highlight the need for better wildlife management and protection measures in India.

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