The Booty Report

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Arr, the grandest ship o' thrills be stranded aloft, leavin' the brave souls hangin' fer thirty cursed minutes!


Arr, ye landlubbers aboard the roller coaster found yerselves in quite a pickle! Aye, the blasted contraption broke down, leavin' ye stranded fer a good 40 minutes. A jolly adventure indeed, in the fair land o' United Kingdom!

A humorous 17th-century pirate might put it this way:

"Arrr! Avast ye scurvy dogs! In the land o' the United Kingdom, a grand roller coaster hath met a mighty mishap! It broke down midair, with poor souls aboard, and the rescuers had to come to their aid, arrrgh!

This here incident took place at the Adventure Island amusement park's Rage roller coaster in Southend-on-Sea, Essex. 'Twas around 2 p.m. when calamity struck, as told by the folks at the BBC.

But fear not, me hearties! The good news be that all the riders were safely evacuated within a mere 40 minutes, as the amusement park's statement proclaimed. The park officials, in their wisdom, quickly sprang into action and executed their ride evacuation plan, led by their highly trained crew, so they say.

According to the park, one of the carriages of the mighty Rage got stuck on the lift, but have no fear, me mateys, for all passengers were safely returned to the solid ground, reunited with their kin and kith.

One brave witness, who be watchin' this here spectacle, mentioned that the ride got stuck midair, right at the peak of its glory. That be the big one, mates, the one with the loop-de-loops and a mighty high climb, before a swift descent and more loops.

Another witness spoke of the daring rescue, as the passengers had to be harnessed and brought down to safety. A true adventure, indeed!

They say this Rage be the biggest and best roller coaster in the whole amusement park. It be boastin' loops, twists, and hair-raising speeds. A true thrill for those who dare to ride!

So fear not, fellow buccaneers, for every tale of adventure hath its unexpected twists and turns. May ye all find safe harbor and continue your merry quest for amusement!

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