The Booty Report

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"Avast ye scallywags! DeSantis be laughin' at Trump's blather 'bout th' 2020 election. Claims be pure bilge!"


Arrr, after much flibbergibber, the Florida governor finally admits that the election booty was not pilfered. Methinks he's startin' to see sense through his eyepatch!

Arr, me hearties! Avast ye! Listen well, for I have news as wild as a tempest on the high seas!

In the tongue of a 17th century pirate, I bring ye tales of a Florida governor. Aye, this governor be known for his stubbornness, like a barnacle clinging to a ship's hull. But, avast! He be finally admitting that the election was not stolen, after much dilly-dallying and dancing around the matter!

Arr, me mateys, ye should have seen it! This governor, like a scurvy dog trying to bury his treasure, had been hedging his words for a long while. He skirted around the truth like a ship avoiding a treacherous reef. But now, he's finally let slip that the election was not pilfered by thieves in the night!

But hold fast! There be more to this tale! The governor, in his newfound honesty, be going further than he ever has before. It be as if he's spotted a mermaid on the horizon and be sailing straight towards her! He be admitting that the election was fair and square, without any foul play!

Arr, me hearties, ye may be wonderin' why this be such a big deal. Well, let me tell ye! This governor be like a captain refusing to admit his ship be leakin', even when it be takin' on water faster than a sailor drinkin' rum. But now, he be swallowin' his pride like a gulp of seawater!

So, me lads and lasses, let us raise a tankard of grog to this governor, for finally speakin' the truth! Mayhaps there be hope yet that honesty will prevail in these treacherous political waters. But mark me words, mateys, keep a weather eye open, for the winds of politics can change direction faster than a pirate's plunder!

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