The Booty Report

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Avast ye landlubbers! This ol' Black matey be a physician, seekin' to challenge the racist medical rules of California!


Avast ye! As a swarthy physician, I be settin' sail to sue California and put an end to their racist medical decree! I refuse to learn or spread this wickedness, mateys!

I was one of the first Black students to attend Stanford University and the University of California San Francisco medical school. Back in 1973, when I received my medical degree, society was far from just, but it seemed like California was leading the nation towards a future of equality. However, my state has taken a backward step by enshrining racism in law. Since the start of 2022, all continuing medical education courses offered by state-based organizations in California must include a focus on "implicit bias." Physicians are required to take at least 50 hours of such coursework every two years.

The concept of "implicit bias" is racist as it assumes that a person's skin color determines how they treat individuals of different races. The California law takes this claim as fact, stating that implicit bias exists and contributes to unequal treatment based on race. It accuses white people of being oppressors and black people of being oppressed. Implicit-bias trainings for medical professionals nationwide routinely discuss systemic racism and white supremacy.

Blaming bias for health disparities is an oversimplified solution that ignores other factors influencing patient health. In my 50 years of medical practice, I have never witnessed instances of implicit bias affecting patient care. Discriminating against patients based on their race goes against everything we are trained to do as physicians. Teaching about implicit bias detracts from real scientific learning and improved standards of care.

I refuse to take any courses that include implicit bias and will decline requests to teach such courses. I have filed a lawsuit against the state of California, asserting that the First Amendment protects me from being forced to teach the state's preferred narrative on this divisive topic. California's moral decline is evident, and the new racism will not bring any good. It is time for my state to reverse this regression and focus on equal treatment for all, regardless of race.

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