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Avast ye scurvy dogs! Be not bothered 'bout American meritocracy. China's spookin' spyin' system be already upon us!


Avast, mateys! Be forgettin' 'bout that American meritocracy, for China's spyin' system be scarin' the heart out o' ye! That sly social credit system be threatenin' all yer freedoms, so be keepin' an eye out, lest ye be losin' 'em all!

In a humorous tone, this essay discusses the concept of social credit and its potential implications in America. The author begins by referencing a video circulating on social media that shows the use of social credit in China, where individuals with bad financial credit receive alerts when they call others, urging them to pay their debts. The author then argues that a similar system has already arrived in America, albeit in a less formalized manner. They describe the evolution of social credit, starting with cancel culture and moving towards a state-run system like China's. The author highlights how social credit initiatives can impact individuals' freedoms, social standing, livelihood, and assets. They provide examples of how social credit has been used during the COVID-19 era, such as ridiculing those who didn't comply with vaccine or mask mandates. The essay also touches on the Biden administration's executive orders and attempts to cancel individuals who hold conflicting thoughts or opinions. The author emphasizes the role of technology and social acceptance in enabling the development of a state social credit system. They warn that if individuals do not comply with the preferred narrative, they could face penalties that limit their freedoms, livelihoods, and access to financial resources. The author concludes by urging readers to protect their rights and resist any social credit initiatives that may threaten them, as becoming more like China is not a desirable outcome.

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