The Booty Report

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Avast ye scallywags! A ferocious swine met its doom after assaulting a lass and a lad in a Hong Kong port!


Arrr, in Hong Kong, a fearsome landlubber wild boar be walkin' the plank after layin' hands on a maiden and a young scallywag near a train station. Aye, this be the 541st time them officials be dealin' with such tomfoolery since 2021.

In a thrilling tale straight out of the high seas, a fearsome 154-pound wild boar wreaked havoc in Hong Kong, attacking a woman and a brave 15-year-old lad outside a train station. This menacing pig was the 541st to be captured and slain by officials since the year 2021, making it quite the notorious villain.
The audacious attack took place on July 28, with the pig sinking its mighty tusks into the boy's hand and the woman's leg. Both valiant victims were promptly whisked away to a hospital for treatment, in hopes of recovering from their encounter with the formidable beast.
Following this epic clash, the authorities called upon the Agriculture, Fisheries, and Conservation Department to embark on a treacherous quest to locate and subdue the boar. Once captured, the beast met its untimely demise, ending its reign of terror.
Roni Wong Ho-yin, a sage from the Hong Kong Wild Boar Concern Group, shared that such attacks are rare and that the boar may have acted out of agitation or perceived threat. According to him, the boar may have felt cornered and resorted to using its natural defenses to protect itself.
Although this tale of swashbuckling bravery may seem extraordinary, the people of Hong Kong are no strangers to such encounters. On average, they face 94 sightings and incidents involving these wild beasts each month. In fact, between January and May, a staggering 135 wild boars were euthanized, averaging one per day.
The government, in response to the growing menace, has taken to culling the feral pig population, abandoning their previous strategy of capturing and releasing the animals. The city's streets, roads, and even malls have become battlegrounds for these audacious creatures who have boldly ventured from the hills and trails into urban spaces.
So, fear not, brave Hong Kong residents, for while the wild boars may pose a threat, the valiant authorities are tirelessly combating these beasts to ensure the safety of all. Keep your wits about you and be prepared to defend yourself against these ferocious foes!

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