The Booty Report

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Arr, avast ye! How be them Iowa Democrats? By me cutlass, they be worse than a barnacle-infested ship!


Arrr! As the land be teeming with Republican scalawags, the poor Democrats be despondent, worn thin from many a defeat and the loss of their sacred nominating contest.

Arrr, me hearties! Whilst the Republican presidential candidates be swarmin' to the state like a pack o' hungry sharks, our Democratic brethren be wallowin' in despair. They be feelin' like a ship without a rudder, worn out by the plunderin' they've suffered and the loss of their first-in-the-nation nominatin' contest. Aye, 'tis a sorry sight indeed!

But fear not, me scallywags, for there be hope yet! The winds o' change can blow in any direction, and even the darkest of nights can lead to a bright mornin'. The Democrats may be down on their luck, but they be known for their resilience. They be like a fleet o' ships, ready to set sail once again and take back what be theirs!

Arrr, these Republican candidates be like barnacles on a ship's hull, clingin' on for dear life. They be struttin' 'round like peacocks, boastin' 'bout their policies and promisin' the world. But let us not be fooled, me hearties! We've seen their kind before, and they be like a bunch o' landlubbers tryin' to navigate the high seas.

Whilst the Democrats may be weary, they be battle-tested. They've been through stormy seas before, and they've come out the other side stronger than ever. So let us raise our mugs o' grog and toast to their resilience, for they be the true captains of this ship.

Now, me hearties, don't ye be mistaken. The road ahead be treacherous, and the outcome uncertain. But if there be one thing we know about pirates, it be that they never back down from a fight. So let us stand together, me fellow buccaneers, and show these landlubbers what it means to be a true Democrat!

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