The Booty Report

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Avast ye! The landlubber freight railroads be seekin' amendements to the safety program afore they be signin' up, arr!


Arrr, avast ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis news be spreadin' that after the wretched derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, the grand freight railroads o' the nation hath agreed to join a federal program, where workers can report safety concerns. But mark ye well, afore they sign on, they demand a grand overhaul!

Avast ye! The landlubber freight railroads be seekin' amendements to the safety program afore they be signin' up, arr!

In a tale fit for the high seas, the nation's mighty freight railroads have finally decided to jump aboard a federal program aimed at reporting safety issues. Arr, but hold yer horses, me hearties, for these scurvy dogs be demandin' a thorough overhaul before they be settin' sail on this voyage.
Now, ye may be wonderin' what caused this sudden change of heart. 'Twas a derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, mateys! Aye, the incident be shakin' the timbers of these railroads, makin' 'em think twice about the importance of safety. So, they finally be givin' in to the lure of the federal program, but not without a few conditions, ye see.
First and foremost, these landlubbers be wantin' the program to be overhauled. Aye, they be demandin' some serious changes, me hearties. They be wantin' it to be as smooth as a calm sea, without any rough waters or hidden reefs. No more snags in the sails or leakin' cannons!
But fear not, mateys, for their intentions be noble. These railroads be aimin' to improve the safety of their crew and passengers. They be wantin' a system that be encouragin' their workers to report any issues without fear of walkin' the plank. Aye, it be a step in the right direction.
So, buckle up, landlubbers, for the railroads be settin' sail on a new adventure. They be joinin' this federal program and workin' towards safer travels. But remember, a true pirate never lets his guard down, so keep an eye on these scallywags. Let's hope they stick to their promise and truly overhaul this program for the better.
Until then, me hearties, keep yer wits about ye and may ye have smooth sailin' on the railroads. Arr!

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