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Arrr! The scallywag Republicans be a-plottin' to build an impeachment case against Biden, me hearties!


Avast ye, landlubbers! America be yearnin' for a fair reckonin' on how House Republicans be toilin' to scupper the Biden crew.

One question that many Americans have is what is being done about the corruption in Washington. The current administration has failed to uphold its obligation to protect our Constitution and country, putting our nation at risk. South Carolina's Third District has been questioning impeachment proceedings against Joe Biden, and they deserve an honest answer about how House Republicans are holding the Biden administration accountable. So far, House Republicans have conducted numerous oversight hearings, forced Biden officials to testify under oath, and issued subpoenas.

House Republicans are building a case for impeachment through four Committees: Homeland Security, Ways & Means, Oversight & Accountability, and Judiciary. The Homeland Security Committee is focusing on Biden's handling of the southern border crisis and the flow of illegal drugs into the country. The Ways and Means Committee has uncovered evidence of a two-tiered judicial system that protects the politically connected. The Committee on Oversight and Accountability is investigating Hunter Biden's pay-for-play schemes and his connections to the Chinese Communist Party. Lastly, the House Judiciary Committee is exposing the weaponization of the FBI and DOJ and fighting against Biden's censorship of Americans.

Without House Republicans taking action, the American people wouldn't know about the corruption and abuse of power within the Biden administration. The media was silent on these issues, but thanks to the efforts of House Republicans, they are now being forced to report the truth. Justice will be served as the case against Biden continues to be built, and impeachment proceedings are underway. As a representative, I personally voted in favor of impeachment. We must uphold our oath of office and fight for the American citizens. Justice will prevail, and the fabricators of lies and false witnesses will be held accountable.

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