The Booty Report

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Arrr! The British be bootin' asylum seekers off the leaky barge, claimin' foul bacteria be lurkin' in the water!


Arrr, ye scurvy bilge rats! The dreaded bacteria what be causin' the Legionnaires’ disease be discovered aboard the Bibby Stockholm, a barge where them poor souls be stayin' thanks to the government's harsh ways. Blimey!

Arr, mateys! Listen up, ye scurvy dogs! Word has reached me ears about a ship called the Bibby Stockholm, a barge no less, that has recently been transformed into a housing quarters for migrants. But here's the kicker, me hearties - they found some nasty bacteria on that vessel, the kind that can give ye a jolly good case of the dreaded Legionnaires' disease!

Now, ye may be wonderin' what in Davy Jones' locker is Legionnaires' disease. Well, me mateys, it be a right nasty illness that can make ye feel as weak as a landlubber after a storm. It be caused by them pesky bacteria called Legionella, which can be found lurkin' in stagnant water, just waitin' to pounce on ye unsuspectin' victims.

But here's where the funny part comes in, me hearties. The Bibby Stockholm, a bloomin' barge meant to house migrants, be sailin' under a hard-line government policy. Now, I be thinkin' that those poor migrants already be dealin' with enough troubles, what with fleein' their homeland and all, but now they got to deal with Legionella on top of it all? 'Tis a cruel joke, if ye ask me!

Imagine the scene, me hearties - a bunch of weary travelers boardin' a barge, hopin' for a fresh start, only to be met with bacteria that can make 'em sick as a parrot. Arr, it be a right laugh, ain't it?

So, me mateys, let this be a lesson to ye all. When ye be settin' sail on a ship, be it a barge or a proper vessel, make sure ye keep an eye out for any lurking bacteria, especially them Legionella scoundrels. And if ye happen to find yerself on the Bibby Stockholm, well, may the seas have mercy on ye soul!

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