The Booty Report

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Arrr! A mighty sack o' doubloons be gained from this monstrous land treasure, be it true or not!


Arrr, the scurvy dog auditor general hath discovered that the blimey process to unfurl lands in Toronto’s Greenbelt be swayed by and favored two cunning developers. Avast ye, mateys!

Avast, me hearties! Gather round and listen to the tale of Ontario’s auditor general and the scurvy land developers who sought to pillage Toronto’s Greenbelt. Arr, it be a tale of corruption and favoritism that would make even the most hardened pirate blush!

According to the auditor general's report, the process to open up land in the sacred Greenbelt was marred by the meddling hands of two cunning developers. These scallywags managed to influence the decision-making process in their favor, leading to great anger and discontent among the good people of Ontario.

Arr, ye might be wonderin' how these landlubbers managed such a feat. Well, it be said that they used their connections and silver tongues to sway the decision-makers, leaving no room for fairness or justice. They took advantage of the system, bending it to their will like the mighty waves bend a ship's mast in a storm.

But fear not, for the auditor general be a vigilante of justice! This brave soul uncovered their dastardly deeds and brought them to light, shining a beacon of truth in this murky sea of corruption. The report revealed the irregularities and highlighted the need for change to protect the Greenbelt from future plunder.

Now, me hearties, I must remind ye that this tale may sound frightful, but fear not, for it be told in a humorous tone. We be laughin' at the audacity of these scoundrels, for they thought they could outsmart the auditors and get away with their misdeeds. But alas, they underestimated the tenacity of those who seek justice!

So, let this be a lesson to all ye land developers out there. If ye try to bend the rules and favor yerselves over the greater good, ye be walkin' the plank of public shame. The Greenbelt be a sacred place, and we shall protect it from the likes of ye!

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