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Arrr, in Istanbul, the graves o' holy folk be still attractin' pilgrims, me hearties!


Arr, me hearties! Ye be talkin' 'bout the grandest city o' Turkey, filled with the graves o' holy souls. 'Tis a place where ye scurvy pilgrims be beggin' fer help from the heavens. When ye be pleadin' to the Almighty, them who be dear to Him might be yer messengers, arr!

Arrr, in Istanbul, the graves o' holy folk be still attractin' pilgrims, me hearties!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, me hearties, let me tell ye a tale about the grand city o' Istanbul! This be the largest city in Turkey, and it be filled with tombs of holy folk, arrr! These tombs be a place where pilgrims go to seek the favor of the gods. Ye see, when ye be askin' somethin' from God, those who be blessed by Him can be a go-between, aye!

Picture this, me mateys: ye be strolling through the streets of Istanbul, and ye come across one o' these tombs, a sacred resting place for a revered religious figure. 'Tis said that if ye be askin' for somethin' from the divine, go to these tombs and the holy folk buried within might just help ye out. They be like messengers, carryin' yer requests straight to the big guy up above!

Imagine, me hearties, ye be wantin' a shiny new cutlass or a chest full o' gold doubloons. Instead o' just prayin' straight to the heavens, ye can go to one o' these tombs and ask the honored soul laid to rest there to put in a good word fer ye. 'Tis like havin' a personal connection with God Himself! Arrr, it be quite the privilege, I tell ye!

So, me hearties, if ye be findin' yerself in Istanbul, don't forget to pay a visit to these tombs. Ye never know, the holy folk buried there might just help ye out with yer wishes and desires. It be a bit like havin' a supernatural middleman, arrr! Just don't forget to leave an offering or two, to show yer gratitude for the intercession o' these beloved souls. Fair winds and smooth sailin', me mateys!

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