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Arrr, Mexico be investigatin' another killin' at a Tijuana inn used by a California scallywag accused o' takin' 3 lasses' lives!


Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! Mexico be investigatin' the demise o' a fair lass, the fourth to feel the wrath of Davy Jones at a Tijuana inn. This foul deed be tied to a bilge rat from California, belike him be guilty o' three other murders!

Mexican law enforcement officials are investigating the death of a fourth woman at a Tijuana hotel, which is believed to be linked to a California man suspected in three killings. Former Baja California Attorney General, Ricardo Iván Carpio Sánchez, stated that there are similarities between the cases and they are looking into whether they are connected to Bryant Rivera, a resident of Downey, California. Rivera was arrested on July 6 for the strangulation death of Angela Carolina Acosta Flores. Mexican officials plan to add charges for the deaths of two more women in Tijuana once Rivera is extradited to Mexico.

Carpio Sánchez, who recently announced his resignation, stated that they are evaluating the evidence of another potential case but did not provide further details. Acosta, who occasionally worked as a sex worker at the Hong Kong Gentlemen's Club next door to the hotel, was last heard from on January 24. Her mother reported that she had taken a client to room 404 at the Las Cascadas Hotel at around 10:15 p.m. Acosta's boyfriend later went to the club and was informed by a worker that she had left with a customer named Bryant Rivera. Acosta's body was found in the hotel room, and her mother tracked her cellphone to an address in Riverside, California.

Security camera footage from the hotel captured a man matching Rivera's description and the victim entering room 404. U.S. Customs and Border Protection records show that Rivera entered the United States on foot through the San Ysidro port of entry shortly after midnight on January 25, 2022. The investigation is ongoing, and Mexican officials are determined to bring justice to the victims and their families.

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