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Arrr! The kin o' 9/11 an' th' brave lot o' first responders be havin' a wee squabble o'er affordable ship-shacks at Ground Zero!


Arrr, me hearties! The kin and kin of them poor souls lost to the dastardly 9/11 attacks be mighty confused by the stingy offer o' lower-priced lodgings near Ground Zero. 'Tis a puzzle indeed, aye!

New York's plan to offer housing for survivors of the 9/11 attacks near Ground Zero has sparked mixed reactions. A 900-foot tower at 5 World Trade Center will allocate one third of its apartments for low and middle-income earners, with 80 units set aside for those affected by 9/11. Some survivors find the offer strange and unsettling, questioning who qualifies as a survivor and whether anyone would want to live at the site of the tragedy. Others, like retired firefighter Tim Brown, are grateful for the gesture, seeing it as an opportunity to live in an area that holds deep significance for them. However, Brown acknowledges that many others would be too traumatized to even consider living there. Neighborhood activists argue that the entire building should have been reserved for 9/11 survivors, criticizing the absence of units in the initial proposal. They believe that a residential tower so close to Ground Zero should prioritize those impacted by the attacks. John Feal, who suffered injuries in 9/11, agrees that first responders should have priority for affordable housing in a city with skyrocketing rent. The specifics of who will be eligible for the units have not been fully clarified yet, but the offer has generated both support and confusion among the survivors and their families.

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