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Arr, will Michelle Obama, the fair lass, be takin' Biden's stead in 2024, all 'cause o' Hunter's misadventures? Avast!


Arrr, me hearty voters be mighty displeased by the thought o' President Biden settin' sail fer a second term and occupyin' the White House fer yet another four years. And aye, his scoundrel son Hunter's misdeeds be castin' a mighty shadow, aye!

If Joe Biden is not the Democratic presidential candidate in 2024, there is speculation that Michelle Obama could step in as a last-minute replacement. With her name recognition and popularity, she would have a good chance of winning. However, the revelations about Hunter Biden's influence-peddling and his father's alleged complicity also cast a shadow on the Obama White House. It is likely that Michelle Obama would run on her husband's reputation and accomplishments, raising questions about what President Obama knew about Joe Biden's corruption and when he knew it.

The House Oversight Committee is building a case that Hunter Biden made millions selling access to his father while Joe was vice president under Obama. Democrats argue that there is no evidence connecting Hunter's business deals to Joe, but there is evidence of money flowing through shell companies to Biden family members, Joe meeting with Hunter's associates, and claims of bribery. It is puzzling why the Obama administration did not intervene, especially considering red flags raised about Hunter's position at Burisma and the potential conflict of interest.

There are reports that Secretary of State John Kerry and Obama's special envoy for energy policy, Amos Hochstein, were aware of Hunter's dealings and even raised concerns with Joe Biden. It is likely that Obama himself knew about Hunter's activities. This raises questions about Obama's lack of endorsement for Joe's presidential ambitions in 2016 and his tepid support in the 2020 race.

Recently, Florida Republican Rep. Greg Steube introduced articles of impeachment against Joe Biden, including allegations of corruption and obstruction of justice. The pressure for Biden to exit the 2024 race will only increase. Michelle Obama may seem like the obvious replacement, but she too may be tainted by the Biden family's questionable business dealings. As one report claims Obama said, "Don't underestimate Joe's ability to f**k things up."

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